How Soccer Changed My Life

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What is it that I do? Like all people my life consists of many different hobbies, interests, or skills that I do, but people wouldn’t call every one of them the things that they “do.” Instead that title is held by the thing they hold nearest to them. I define it as something that makes your heartbeat, something that at the mere thought of it pushes you to keep going in your life to keep trying and yearning until you can achieve it, something that you dream all night and talk all day about. The thing I do is play and teach soccer and there are many reasons why I do what I do. Why do I play soccer? Inn life people experience things that help shape them and things that follow them in life no matter where they go or how old they get. For me that is soccer. I have played soccer since I was a young boy and due to my father’s constant military relocation to places like Georgia, Washington, and Germany I have been able to experience different sides of the sport and as I grew up, soccer grew up with me. Soccer was and is a solace for me. My father’s military deployments leave me filled with a sadness that only certain…show more content…
I have coached youth soccer teams voluntarily during my time in Germany. Being able to show younger people how to do something that they weren’t able to do or how to improve on something they could do excites me. It gives me a feeling of joy because I just made an impact on someone’s life and that my teaching has the potential to change a person’s life. Due to my experiences in coaching soccer and the fun that I had, I began to wholeheartedly enjoy the idea of teaching young people. Those experiences led me to realize a potential career for myself in the Education field which is different than the Business Management field that I’m interested in. I love the idea of influencing the youth and inspiring them to grow up and make a difference in the world or to live their

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