Gertrude's Loss In Hamlet

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In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet undergoes a series of painstaking loses that gradually diminish his sanity, thus, contributing to his demise. Hamlet is the son of King Hamlet, one of the best kings in recent Denmark history. Although, Hamlet has everything he could wish for, everything came to an abrupt end when his father died. This conduces to the sympathizing effect that the readers experience when reading Hamlet. When Hamlet's character is first introduced in the play, the audience brings to their knowledge the fact that Hamlet is troubled. Hamlet is grieving the death of his father and as human beings who understand the pain of death, we pity him. Hamlet’s mother, Queen Gertrude marries a second time soon after the mourning of…show more content…
Hamlet is wearing dark colored clothes to illustrate that he is still in mourning while his mother completed her mourning and is now joyful from her new marriage. Hamlet respects his father because when the ghost shows up and states that Claudius killed him, Hamlet takes the responsibility to avenge his father. Hamlet cries “adieu, adieu, remember me. I have sworn’t” (Act 1, Scene 5, Line 118-119). Hamlet feels obligated to take revenge on Claudius for what he has done to his beloved father. The audience shows sympathy towards Hamlet because he has lost his father, and now is doing what is believed to be the right…show more content…
He hopes that he will have some sympathy somewhere else and forget the events that took place. Claudius states that grieving is not manly therefore, he should stop grieving (Act1, Scene 2, Line 100-115). Now he wants to go to Wittenberg because he will not have to act as if he is not sorrowful for his father demise. When he asks to go to Wittenberg, Claudius declines his proposition and Gertrude says, “Let not thy mother lose her prayers, Hamlet. I pray thee, stay with us. Go not to Wittenberg” (Act 1, Scene 2, Line 122-123). No one in the kingdom is grieving for old King Hamlet anymore except for Hamlet, he intends to grieve in some other place to avoid attention and the
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