Santiago Defeated

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In the book Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, Santiago is destroyed but not defeated. He overcomes many physical and mental obstacles in order to reel in the massive marlin that he caught. Obstacles such as loneliness and a hand cramp impede his progress, but Santiago perseveres and fights the fight. Even though he eventually gives into the sharks that attack his prized marlin, he fights for many hours using a harpoon, an oar, and oar with a knife tied to it and finally, his tiller. He is destroyed medically, for his back is in pain and so are his hands. He is also extremely tired. But in the end, Santiago makes it back home and wins his battle with the marlin, yet he is destroyed in the process. Santiago is physically destroyed while…show more content…
First, although he is a salao, “which is the worst form of unlucky” (9). He still goes out everyday and tries to catch a fish. Hemingway characterizes Santiago by using the word salao as the joke of the town. Santiago is the fisherman that has not caught a single fish in eighty-four days. Even though his chances of catching a fish are very low, he still goes out everyday. Santiago does not let the sea defeat him. He perseveres and tries again each and every day. While bringing his prized catch to shore, Santiago’s marlin is attacked by many sharks. He uses his harpoon to spear the first shark in the head. After that, he lashes his knife to his oar and defends his catch. Similar to his hope of getting the entire fish back to shore, every time time a shark comes along it takes just a little bit. After battling the sharks with his oar and his tiller, which eventually breaks, Santiago finally gives in and goes to sleep. When he wakes up, all that remains of the marlin is its spine. This may seem like defeat. Santiago gives into the sharks and loses the battle. He let the sharks eat the marlin. But no, he may have lost a single battle, but he won the war with the sea. Santiago was able to break his eighty-four day dry streak and catch a massive eighteen foot marlin. He perseveres through the long repetitive days of catching

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