How Does New Media Affect Politics

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There is no doubt about the changes of technological development on the political processes. However, there is concern on the evolution of politics with the introduction of technology, especially new media, making the society question how politics will be practiced. The possible disconnection between politicians and some part of the society as for example the elderly of people without access to the Internet is a matter of concern for the modern democracies. Politicians are most of the time behind the screen of a TV, a computer or a mobile phone, a tendency that threats to destroy the essence of elections. Consequently, the question that remains is if politics will modify its way of practice to the new era or will it shape the practice to the new technologies. To conclude, it is necessary to take into account that there is a strict relationship between communication practices and the democracy itself. With all the availability of information and communication proportionated by the Internet and; generally speaking, new media, it is reasonable to believe that it has become a very important part of the democratic process. As it is previously mentioned, new media affects…show more content…
With all the availability of information and communication proportionated by the Internet and; generally speaking, new media, it is reasonable to believe that it has become a very important part of the democratic process. As it is previously mentioned, new media affects extensively to our current politics. It is a new method for political communication and a great support for activism. Due to the limitless information, the public is able to access media and communication networks to discuss, protest, support and rule. For that reason, new media must play a very important role in creating a system of rules and Internet culture between authorities and

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