Reflection Journal In Nursing

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My reflection Journal for placement at Robina Hospital. ‘Orientation’ On the 10th of July, I sat in this little room as I waited for the rest of the students to come in for our placement orientation. Given that I always run late for every appointment I have, this one was exceptional. Not only was I early but I was the first to arrive. I sat there thinking to myself how this could even be possible until I had a vivid flashback of how tough and competitive getting a position in Queensland Health was. I had faced so many challenges prior to me securing a position in the health sector for my placement given I am from oversees and I had no existing records of immunisations done and this had proved to be a challenge as I first applied. But the impossible…show more content…
During this day, I managed to sit in on a family meeting and reflecting on it, I faced some challenges as I sat through the meeting. The case at hand was of a complex nature in that the patient’s family were not willing to have the patient back home post discharge from hospital. The patient had an ongoing mental health illness and had treated the family inappropriately however the family felt hurt by some of the things this particular patient had done and were not willing to have her…show more content…
To be honest, I never understood what it means to have a practice framework that one follows until my placement here in Robina Hospital. Practice framework firstly outlines the values and principles that underlie an approach to working with during your practise as a social worker. It is not until I actively had a reflective practice did I develop my practice framework. With patients seen on the wards, both SMU and ACE; our key role is discharge plaining and by working closely with the family members we develop a plan that is safe and comfortable for the patient on discharge. This far, I find myself inclined to a family-centred practise where I put the family as a whole at the centre of my practice influence and their desired needs and goals act as the driving force behind most of the decisions I make while working with a patient Family-centred practice can be described as a philosophy that frames quality practice, and as a professional standard that meets society’s values (Brown &Remine, 2008). There are many different approaches to family-centred practice. However, regardless of the approach, they are all aimed at improved outcomes associated with family involvement (Daniel,

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