History Of Racism In America

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Imagine waking up every day and hating people because of the color of their skin. Seems absurd right? I agree that it is but believe it or not there is a portion of the United States and the world that is just flat out racist. It seems racism is on the rise the last few years. Racism has existed in the world for centuries from the slave trade to the modern day KKK. The United States of America is a multicultural nation. Almost all races and cultures are represented in America. The United States is considered a nation of immigrants, this country has faced and is still facing many racial issues from the Civil Right Movement till today. Racism and discrimination are usually the most discussed topics when it comes to any societies problems. To…show more content…
The First Colony founded was Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 and the Province of Georgia which was the 13th colony being founded in 1732. Tension and fighting between Europeans and Indians was common during the thirteen colonies. In 1622, the Powhatan tribe nearly wiped out the struggling Jamestown colony. Nathaniel Bacon and a group of vigilantes destroyed the Pamunkey Indians before leading an unsuccessful revolt against colonial authorities in 1676. In New England the Puritans destroyed the Pequots in 1636-1637. Attacks set up by King Philip against English settlements sparked a strong response by the colonists. The colonists nearly exterminated the Narragansetts, Wampanoags, and Nipmucks in…show more content…
The first slaves used by European colonizers were indigenous peoples of the Americas, "Indian" peoples, but they were not numerous enough and were quickly decimated by European diseases, agricultural breakdown, and harsh regime. It was also difficult to get Europeans to immigrate to the colonies, despite incentives such as indentured servitude or even distribution of free land (mainly in the English colonies that became the United States). Massive amounts of labor were needed, initially for mining, and soon even more for the plantations in the labor-intensive growing, harvesting and semi-processing of sugar (also for rum and molasses), cotton and other prized tropical crops which could not be grown profitably—in some cases, could not be grown at all—in the colder climate of Europe. It was also cheaper to import these goods from American colonies than from regions within the Ottoman Empire. To meet this demand for labor, European traders thus turned to Western Africa, part of which became known as "the slave coast," and later Central Africa into a major source of fresh

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