Health Promotion Strategies

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5.0 IMPACT HPSI has evidently met some of his objectives. It promoted building of partnerships between the health and education sectors with other governmental and nongovernmental sectors, United Nations organizations and the community at large. It also led to the development of a supportive environment, including empowerment of both students and staff and subordinate staff in being accountable for their health. Health promotion interventions have now become integral to school activities. ( al, 2008). 5.1 Impact Evaluation A study was conducted in 2008 which covers knowledge, attitudes, practice and behaviour to scrutinise the impact through comparing schools implementing the Initiative with schools which are not,…show more content…
• It is a free given platform under which to coordinate school health promotion initiatives • The health sector and education sector work together • Both the National Education Goals (NEGs) and National Administration Guidelines (NAGs) are achieved • Committees and school become linked and can work together to promote health in schools • Generally, the Health and Physical Education Curriculum and Health Promoting Schools connect • Students also acquire health related knowledge and necessary skills •Environmental, physical and social issues are generally addressed • The whole community and health services are now linked to the school • A healthy environment for working and also the social environment is fostered for staff and students. 5.3 Main success factors A number of factors aided the intersectoral action and contributed to the success of the health-promoting schools in Oman: (Robertson. ,2008). • Availability of existing intersectoral partnership and commitment at all levels between the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education, high…show more content…
Changes were made to school policies and organizational structures to facilitate the health promoting activities. In some projects or programs, health promotion was successfully integrated into the school curriculum. Parents and local communities were also involved in various levels in the planning and implementation of the interventions. (Jamison et al., 1998). Funding had a great impact on the development of health promotion activities in some schools. Additional funding made it possible for some schools to initiate changes that would have not occurred otherwise (Jamison et al., 1998). For other schools, the outside funding did not influence the development of the health promoting activities as these were already in the schools' developmental plans (Jamison et al., 1998). The evaluations utilizing a quasi-experimental approach with comparison schools showed better performances in the intervention schools for certain areas, but no differences in others. 6.5

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