Goldman Sachs Case Study

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About the Organization The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is an American multinational investment banking firm. It is considered to one of the premier investment banks in the world. Some of the business areas where it engages itself are : • Investment management • Securities • Investment banking • Various other financial services. By and large, the firm's major activities includes providing Mergers and Acquisitions advices, asset management, underwriting services and prime brokerage to its clients which can be either of the corporations, governments or individuals. Apart from this, they are also involved in market making and private equity deals, and is a primary dealer in the United States Treasury security market. History 1869 : Goldman…show more content…
It further reports that we no longer can maintain a fragmented, reactive approach to sustainability and CSR activities. "Companies can choose to see this agenda as a necessary evil—a matter of compliance or a risk to be managed while they get on with the business of business—or they can think of it as a novel way to open up new business opportunities while creating value for society." Now, taking the perspective of Goldman Sachs, they very beautifully state that the social responsibilities of a company is not just about reducing environmental footprint. They emphasize on a research at both the corporate and university level that we are at the doorstep of this next generation of employees and consumers that have specific needs at work and which are significantly different from the previous generations. Amongst these is a desire to align personal and corporate values. In order to attract and retain this group, they believe that companies need to provide rewards beyond financial gain. Other examples : This paradigm market shift towards understanding its social responsibilities is reflected in the practices of many of the Fortune 500…show more content…
• Effectively managing risks, thus better serving the interests of the clients • Managing the Center for Environmental Markets. This involves working in unison with the corporations, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations. They do so in order to find, research and develop market-based solutions to the current and future ups and downs of the environmental. As a testimony , Goldman Sachs has a number of research and pilot project partnerships that promotes helping with regard to informing the public policy and promoting financial solutions for addressing environmental challenges. As a result of all these efforts, Goldman Sachs, through EMG is able to deliver greater benefit for the environment and society at large. Some of the key initiatives taken in this section are : FINANCING AND INVESTING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Goldman Sachs has a strong commitment towards promoting clean energy. Thus they have made a transition to a lower carbon energy future in order to serve their

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