Essay On Mahindra

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DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the Semester Internship program title A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION WITH SPECIAL REFRENCE TO MAHINDRA AND MAHINDRA is a record of bonafide work done by me under the supervision of Mr. Aditya Kumar Gupta , Faculty Guide and submitted to Amity University Uttar Pradesh ,Noida (AIBS) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration.. Tarang Kansal Acknowledgement Any task that is under taken reaches successful completion not only by an Individuals effort but also by the guidance and support of many others. Here are we to acknowledge a few of those who have helped us to carry out this project work successfully. I express my deep thanks to Mr.…show more content…
The corporate started producing business vehicles in 1945. Mahindra is that the leader far and away in business vehicle and also the second largest within the traveller vehicle market. The corporate is that the world’s sixth largest medium and significant business vehicle producing. Mahindra is best celebrated for utility vehicles and tractors in Asian country, Its automotive division, the company's oldest unit (founded in 1945), makes jeeps and three-wheelers (not traveler "auto rickshaws," however utilitarian delivery and flatbed incarnations). Mahindra farm instrumentality sector, fashioned in 1963 throughout India's revolution, manufactures tractors and industrial engines. Mahindra additionally produces military vehicles. The corporate has facilities set throughout Asian country. The survey concerned gathering wide info regarding the corporate, its product, client satisfaction and impact of varied competitive companies on the corporate. From the data collected, numerous aspects were known wherever the corporate must focus additional to enhance the potency of promoting team of Mahindra

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