Nutrition In Nutrition

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Nutrition programming is accurate planning of actions in eliminating malnutrition and it’s all forms. The attitude to malnutrition has been developing for years and current solutions are results of prior successes and failures. On the other hand, there are still many challenges. Globally exists many approaches addressing specific points of malnutrition. The approaches contribute as primary concepts for programming and often are used different combinations of them. The programs will differ to the subject (reduction of anemia prevalence for example), a target group, timing, goals, indicators and the level. The approaches and goals might be the same, but their providing may differ in specific levels. 3.3.1 National Level In 2016, Ethiopian government…show more content…
Indicators might be low birth weight, high maternal and infant mortality, stunted population, underweight, a high prevalence of anemia, or a big percent of the population suffer from vision disabilities. Probably more of the indicators will be met. (LSHTM, 2009) The targeted area might be a village or a community, it depends on the analysis, but for this example, we can use a village of one hundred inhabitants. We also analysed that the shortage of Vitamin A is the main problem. The targeted group will be pregnant and lactation women,…show more content…
The food-based approach may focus on food quality and food diversity instead of quantity. The hungry appears in areas of conflict, natural disaster, but also urban and rural areas. Most of the hungry are small farms facing failed harvest, now because of droughts and poverty in general. Families are not able to store the food. Moreover, the production is not sufficient. (Devereux, 2008) A home garden is a solution but still based on the idea of providing the basic food. Research of local plants, their nutritional potential and supports to grow them, might lead to programming what to plant and eat to meet the nutrition needs by the family members. If there are conditions to have a garden. (Burchi, 2011). Another widely option to meet the nutrients is an increase of fish consumption. Every diet should include fish. From the nutrition point of view, fish is an excellent source of animal protein, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. On the other hand, aquaculture as fish farming brings several challenges as toxins that fish may contain, impacts on health and environment in general. (Young,

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