Factors Affecting Elderly

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In addition to the factor affecting the satisfaction of elderly to retirement, kind of retirement can also a large factor, if it is voluntary or compulsory, regular or early. Some elderly retire voluntarily for health-related factor or wanting to spend more time with their families in their remaining more times. Compulsory or involuntary happens when the organization has an age limit for their workers. Usually, early retirement happens in compulsory due to the reason that the management to make changes and the workers were forced to resign (Hurluck, 1982). Elderly also faces the concerns about living arrangements, if they will stay on an institution or in their relatives, in their old house. There are things to be considered, especially…show more content…
Cumming and Henry (1961), adjustment of old age involve gradually withdrawing from their society and to their usual activity. However, based on different studies not all elderly was doing this strategy. Activity Theory, (Huvighurst, 1961) argue that the elderly prefer to remain active and productive and not approve in disengagement despite to the changes. The elderly prefer to find activities that will help them to replace their loss role. The Continuity theory on the other hand by Maddox and Atchley, is maintaining lifestyle and activity related to their usual routine and belief. In addition, in the other article, there was a selectivity theory mentioned. Selectivity is about the elderly is more concerned to maintain the quality of relationship they have in a selective someone or a group (Field and Minkler, 1988). It can be connected to disengagement. In relation to the three theories, there is also the theory of role. It is the conjunction with a life-course perspective, provides one of the most commonly used explanations for retirement (Kim & Meon, 2001). In addition, elderly undergo in the transitional stage. The transitional theory is defined as “a transition as any event, or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines, assumptions and roles” (Evans, Forney, & Guido-Di-Brito, 1998). In this theory perception of the individual are…show more content…
It concerns to different aspects personal, behavioral, health and social services, economics, social, and physical environment that result in well-being outcomes. The researchers have five activity profiles: Low Activity, Moderate Activity, High Activity, Working, and Physically Active. These profiles varied in amount and type of activities. Demographic and health factors were related to profiles. Activity profiles were subsequently associated with self-rated health and depression symptoms (Morrow-Howell, 2014). The preretirement or newly retired people are more active participants in various activities while long timed retired are less active. In addition, the more engage in activities is healthier physically and mentally. There are also other things to must consider in an easier way in retirement adjustment process. For example, how individuals are constrained by social, economic and environmental factors and how dominant cultural concepts and values shape their sense of self (Tanner,

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