Poverty In Kuwait

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The Challenge Several reports from reliable sources state that there is no poverty in Kuwait. This implies that every person in the country lives above the poverty level. However, the reliability of these reports is questionable, as there are people in the country who are faced with the problem of poverty. The actual truth is that there are many poor people in the country, most of whom are non-citizens. These people live under extremely poor conditions, earn low salaries, and are at times abused by the employers or sponsors. Illegal immigrants are in the worst situation in the country. They are forced to hide under the roofs of citizens and perform whatever jobs they find available. They do not have permission to travel, take their children…show more content…
Revelations have shown that poverty exists among non-citizens in the country who take up jobs like being maids, laborers, or shepherds. This report elaborates the findings of a research that was carried out to explore the situation of poverty in Kuwait. The findings from five respondents indicated that the poor in the country are affected by problems like delay low pay, delayed salaries, mistreat meant, low social status, and poor living standards. The poor are often non-citizens who are employed by the citizens because they are unable to get formal employment from firms in the country. The citizens do not suffer from the problem of poverty because the government has adequate social security funds that are meant to ensure their wellbeing. Government should intervene to eliminate the problem of poverty among all the people in the country. He plans should ensure that the revenue from oil are enjoyed with everyone in the country, and non-citizens are given the chance to work in companies and help in building the economy of Kuwait. Purpose of the Project The project was carried out to determine the extent in which poverty exists in Kuwait. Other goals included to determine the level of pay of the poor, the living standards of the poor, the reasons for poverty, and…show more content…
The citizens in the country are well covered by the social funds from the government and thus do not experience poverty even if they are unemployed. The social funds from the government are meant to help students in their education, those who are disabled, unemployed, divorced, old orphans, and other citizens with social problems in Kuwait. This makes it hard for the citizens to experience the problem of poverty in the country. Moreover, majority of the citizens are employed in the government sector and enjoy the funds derived from the sales of oil. This makes most of the Kuwaiti families well

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