Haiti Earthquake

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Haiti is a small mountainous country that shares the borders of the island Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. Haiti a beautiful country and it’s known for the humid tropical climate and extensive mountains. On January 12, 2010 at 4:53pm a 7.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the country of Haiti followed by two more 5.9 and 5.5 aftershocks. It is estimated that more than 3.5 million people in Haiti were affected by the Earthquake and more than 200,000 people were estimated to be dead. In 2012 the official death toll from the 2010 Haitian Earthquake was stated to be 316,000. The 2010 earthquake affected the country in many ways, especially economically and environmentally. The 2010 Earthquake virtually destroyed the already struggling and crippled…show more content…
Two years after the earthquake the country still struggled to make strides towards a new and better economic system. To help the economy grow in Haiti the United States made a $124 million dollar investment into industrial park in the northern part of the country. Since the park has been built there has only been one tenant, a South Korean Paint company, which only employs about 1,000 workers. Although Haiti is a country full of opportunities for economic growth many outside countries are afraid to invest in such an unstable economy. The Economist outlines that the problem in Haiti could be that the country “needs social stability and better infrastructure to attract investment”. Meaning that the economy in Haiti could be saved if the country showed more stability in their government, society, and economy. Outside countries are afraid of investing in Haiti because they believe the economic situation in Haiti is very unstable and could be bad for business. Although other countries are apprehensive about investing in Haiti, Haiti has started to make strides to create and empower their own economic system. There is hope for Haiti outside of its economical struggles and instabilities. Haiti is a beautiful Caribbean country with breathtaking beaches and mountains. According to Time Magazine the country of Haiti has made great strides to be enhanced it’s marketability as a tourist destination. Under the current Martelly administration the government has renovated the country’s first five star hotel, which is located in the resort town of Jacmel. Although tourism isn’t a solid economic infrastructure it is a start for a country like Haiti, which needs to invest in disposing of economic old ways. If Haiti decided to invest time and money into expanding their economy through education and employment the country

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