Haiti Earthquake Research Paper

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Haiti overloads my soul with so much joy, but splinters my heart into a million pieces. Haiti, the supreme monetarily deprived country in the Western Hemisphere hosts the most dangerous slums. Paradoxically, Haiti has the richest society in affection, bliss, and compassion in spite of their impoverished existence, the people are vibrant, strong, and resilient. The country itself is a realm of contrasts. In the year of 2010, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale hit Haiti, killing more than 230,000 people, displacing over one million lives and injuring over three hundred thousand residents. This is where this story begins. I gazed upon the beautiful bright and luscious green pastures occupied by the utmost emaciated cows…show more content…
I felt mesmerized by the roll of the tongue; their expressions were so extraneous to my English ears. However, it sounded familiar. As a group, we quickly marched out into the streets of Haiti and started our expedition with the lady we would be residing with, Legrand Mellon. She was a seventy-three year-old woman, who became my traveling companion and role-model. Her side I never wanted to…show more content…
It has shown me terrifying storms that interchange with the beautiful Caribbean island weather. I appreciate the delicious habitual meals that every Haitian eats daily. A different, robust, and pleasant taste of coffee I had not yet experienced and under no condition to take life too serious. Being able to venture into Haiti continuously has expanded my dreams and desires beyond what my former self could have ever imagined. If six years ago someone would have asked me, “Where do you want to be in ten years?” I could have guaranteed that I would be living in a stunning studio apartment in Boston, Massachusetts, a Southern girl living the New England lifestyle. However, Haiti has transformed me; it has surpassed my thoughts and actions, twisting and turning me in every which way that pull me back to the beautiful place I call my real home. Most importantly, Haiti has amplified my compassion and heart for orphans, children in foster care, and children with special needs. I have been blessed with the opportunity to experience Haiti numerous times with a new set of eyes. Each time, I learned something new about myself, and I learn something about what God has in store for my life. While I have matured since 2010, my passion for Haiti has never changed. In the past four years, I have noticed that there is a great need of medical aid in Haiti. If God allows, I would like to spend my time being

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