Zora Neale Hurston: A Literary Analysis

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Occurs commonly in African American folklore, the plot is often repetitive in nature, since it serves as an aid for the storyteller in memorization. Under this sub-category, we examine Hurston’s approach for events to happen in a set of three, through examining major activities of the main protagonists from both novels, starting with Their Eyes. In Their Eyes, the folktale's repetition of events in a series of three is depicted in Janie's three marriages, as well as by her movement out of the rural community of Nanny, to the town where she keeps a store with Joe Starks, and finally to the "mucks" of the Everglades where she experiences joy and bereavement through Tea Cake. These repetitions have embodied an increasingly wide circle of experience and opportunities for expression of personal choice and self-determination for the female protagonist. Each of Janie’s marriage associated closely with her movement from places. To begin with are Janie’s first marriage and the time she spent in the rural community of Nanny. Nanny, Janie's grandmother, was a slave and had given birth to a child of her master, who in turns gave birth to Janie and left. Nanny alone raised her granddaughter, and thus…show more content…
Unlike Janie Crawford, John Pearson gets all the opportunities in life, only ends up failing to achieve a level of maturation and awareness. Hurston contrasted him to Janie, as a flawed figure whose premature death occurs at a moment that prohibits him from reaching self-realization. In the end, by using this folkloric convention of plot repetition has offered both novels a sense of progression in which “the tension is effectively created, built up and finally release” (Reynolds, Storytelling In Jazz: The Rule Of
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