Research Paper On Haiti Earthquake

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The 2010, Catastrophic Haiti Earthquake A Natural disaster is a catastrophic event or force of nature , such as an earthquake, tsunami , hurricane, etc. that causes great destruction or loss of life. Natural disasters, such as an, Earthquakes are caused when the rock on a fault breaks, which causes the two faults to start rubbing against each other until they get stuck together again. When the faults rub against each other, there is a sudden release of energy causing seismic waves to make the ground shake. Different natural disasters are measured differently, by strength, size,damage, or severity. The strength of an earthquake is measured by an instrument called seismometers. When using seismometers, scientists use “magnitude ratings” (Basic…show more content…
Compression waves are also called sound waves and are mostly heard not felt, but doesn’t usually make a lot of damage unless it is a very big earthquake. An example of an earthquake is the earthquake that occurred in 2010 and located in Haiti. That earthquake was caused by two plates rubbing against each other causing seismic waves, and these plates are called the North America and Caribbean plates. Those two plates caused a size 7 earthquake, which means the severity of the Haiti Earthquake was huge. The Haiti Earthquake produced two three meter tsunami. A tsunami is, “a series of gigantic water waves that causes a surge of water onto land.” (Basic Planet) The tsunami killed three people and damaged some boats by pulling them to shore. A tsunami is measured by height and…show more content…
12, 2010 there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0, which had a large impact on the ecosystem. “The strongest earthquake to hit the country since 1770, it had led to over 200,000 deaths, 2 million homeless, and 3 million people in need of emergency aid.” (List 25) The death toll caused by the 2010, Haiti Earthquake, was as high as 200,000 and many people were injured as well. According to Asif Zaidi, operations manager of the U.N. Environmental Program's Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch, “there has been one small spill near a coastal oil terminal, some minor warehouse fires, and a few small landslides close to Port-au-Prince, but nothing that requires a significant emergency response.” Those spills and landslides also destroyed some wildlife environments. Most importantly, the Haiti Earthquake helped bring back an infectious disease called Cholera. Cholera is “an infectious and often fatal bacterial disease of the small intestine, typically contracted from infected water supplies and causing severe vomiting and diarrhea.”( With unsanitary water treatment systems and crowded conditions , Haiti was very vulnerable. About 4,500 people, died from cholera infectious

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