Gunned Down

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The Power of Immoral Men with Arms Throughout the documentary Gunned Down: Power of The NRA, the producers and narrator discuss with great detail the tragedies, havoc, and heart brokenness caused by men wielding boundless instruments of great and awesome power: firearms, of course. These men will be the focus of discussion, for it is these madmen who commit the appalling, unethical acts causing the death of innocent children, students, and the courageous people that stand up against their atrocious, malicious ways. Additionally, there is also discussion on the indirect connections the NRA may have had on these tragedies, as the NRA holds great power in influencing politicians who fall under their pressure, though the NRA was not always political,…show more content…
Indeed, one such atrocious moment was during the Columbine shooting incident where two high school students, both of which acquired an arsenal of weapons through gun loopholes at a gun show with a friend, killed at gunpoint thirteen students and wounded twenty-three other students with ease. One of those innocent victims of that senseless rage was Daniel Mauser, a sophomore student at Columbine who was only 15 years old when he was shot directly to the head. Unfortunately, Daniel’s father was not quickly informed of what had happened to his son and was very worried, as he knew no information regarding the whereabouts of Daniel. In fact, Daniel’s mother, along with other parents, were told if there children’s names did not appear on a board, it was likely their children had suffered a tragic death under the hands of the two rampaging shooters. Eventually, what followed was a sleepless night for the parents of Daniel Mauser, for the parents let out cries of sorrow for Daniel during the night, as both realized Daniel might longer be with them as a family any…show more content…
For instance, proponents of gun regulation gathered to protest against their enemy, the NRA, and the politicians for their political silence, especially since the parents of these atrocities requested answers regarding the Columbine tragedy, and certainly had every right to them. One notable protestor among the groups gathering in Denver, where the protest was being held, was the father of shooting victim Daniel Mauser. Tom Mauser was marching nobly towards Denver along with supporters signaling with his picket sign: “My son Daniel died at Columbine. He’d expect me to be here today.” Unfortunately, these events did not have their intended consequences, as they would later result in the contrary of what was demanded, and would later serve as a reminder of the atrocious events that took

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