Disadvantages Of Autism In Education

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IDEA actually has fourteen different disability categories, and the child who is in question must meet the criteria within each disability. The first is autism which the federal government defines as “A developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engaging in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences. The term autism does not apply if the child’s educational performance is adversely affected primarily because the child…show more content…
(IEP, 2006) Many MethodsMAINSTREAMING 9 As one can see, there are many disabilities to take into consideration and all have different capabilities when it comes to learning. This is why it is so important for teachers and their peers to come up with an integrated system that can help with all disabilities and training must be provided to those who need it or are not confident in their ability to teach in such a diverse environment. There are many ways to integrate, but teachers and faculty are still not sure which is best. Throughout the years there has been many efforts on how to accommodate a child with needs and a “normal” child in the same classroom. There are many different viewpoints around the world and some Spain school districts have integrated a “Values Education” system that helps children identify conflicts and resolve them. In chapter seven of “Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Mainstream Schools”, Angeles Parrilla explains the difficulties of creating a curriculum to suit all students. The author states that “values that make life in society possible are transmitted and exercised, while habits of interpersonal relationship…show more content…
The child is in a one on one setting with a teacher who is specialized in teaching children of a certain disability, usually in this case emotional and behavioral problems. This ensures that their full potential is met and nurture groups still follow the normal curriculum but are more focused on how that individual learns. In the 1970’s in the United Kingdom, nurture groups were pushed for and it MAINSTREAMING 10 was encouraged that all staff work together to prevent these students from being excluded in society. It is said that many students in school have a history of under developed language skills and lack of parenting. These small nurture groups would aim to help erase those troubles in the mainstream classroom and make sure the pupil is focused and can succeed later on. This- is a great example of why certain groups, and separate education classrooms are still needed within mainstream curriculums. (Bennathan, Boxall, 2012) (Hayes, 2012) Another method is play groups, where the child is incorporated within recess, gym, art, and music classes. Each child who has a disability- also has an IEP or Individualized

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