Gun Control In School Shootings

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School shootings have become a regular occurance. It seems that there is no light at the end of the tunnel- no way to take the weight off of these tragedies. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to solve the issue of gun control, although many people believe there may be. But there is, however, a way to be prepared for these situations and preventative methods individual schools can take to help fend off these tragedies until larger scale legislation is passed. With something as simple as a detailed plan and rules preventing bullying- we can save many lives. In a world where it seems we can not prevent these shootings- the best thing we can do to prepare our schools is to arm the students and staff with the proper safety measures to ensure…show more content…
If they don’t bring a weapon to school while they are still attending, they are still more likely to do so in the future. Bullying can lead to mental illness and revengeful SCHOOL SHOOTINGS 4 tendencies. If a student was bullied in school, they may go back with a weapon as an adult to right the wrongs they felt they were forced to face. Bullying is very likely to come full circle. Several states, such as California, Colorado, and Arkansas, have passed preventitory bullying laws. The idea of stronger gun control laws is something that always arises after a tragedy such as a school shooting, but it is hard to project their outcome. If proposed laws get to the root of many mental health problems- such as bullying at a young age- we can prevent people from ever having the thought of shooting up a…show more content…
People are always watching the news, but unfortunately the coverage of certain crimes doesn’t scare some people- it inspires them. In the book “School Shootings and Mental Health- What Lies Behind the Tip of the Iceberg” William Dikel says: “The media contributes to the problem with its intense focus on the killers and their backgrounds. This type of coverage attracts unstable individuals and increases the risk of future tragedies”. In this brief quote at the start of his writing, he addresses something very important. It is fine to cover the shootings themselves, but we turn the shooters into five star celebrities. Their backgrounds are projected everywhere in what I presume is an attempt to ‘warn’ people of the type of person that would do such a thing- but it is really more of a casting call. Sometimes news reporters even go as far as describing how the shooter obtained the weapon and got it to the school. You can’t put a recipe out and expect people not to bake. One of the best ways to prevent school shootings would be to cultivate some law (without infringing upon the constitutional
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