The Negative Analysis Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal

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Emily Bello Block 3 The New Deal In 1929 the Great Depression had begun, agricultural overproduction, concentration of wealth, buying on credit, speculation, and wall street's ability to slip under the watchful eye of the government had finally caught up to the American people. In a brief moment, Americans had gone from ballrooms to Hoovervilles, flagged with Herbert Hoover's failing laissez-faire economics approach during the Depression. Under Franklin Delano Roosevelt the American people found what critics would describe as “overwhelming executive power” and newly created laws that encroached on the rights of American citizens. These newly formed ideas and government instituted programs were unprecedented to the United States and challenged…show more content…
It mandates fell far short of reducing the plague of unemployment and completely stalled what would have been a national push toward equality. The United States greatly craved a renewed government presence after the economic fallout with President Hoover. Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed these growing desires, and attempted to calm a national fear. Things such as Fireside chats and transparency were his tools. What many saw as a badly needed intervention gave Roosevelt a strong popular acceptance yet the intervention practiced by Roosevelt such as NRA and AAA was seen by many as obtrusive on citizens’ Constitutional rights and did little to relieve economic stress, especially for African Americans. While some programs failed, Roosevelt’s Social Security Act gave a much needed monthly pension to African Americans. Specifics were exclusionsions from job openings due in part to race. To Americans of all race and ethnicity Roosevelt provided hope, but hope does not feed the stomachs of starving children. what people required was financial security. Human characteristics of the New Deal provided hope and promise, a reason why Roosevelt was a four term president. Popular or not it is a President's duty to stay as much in the bounds of the Constitution as possible which Roosevelt fell short of. Despite his shortcomings Roosevelt's policies did set precedents for the future such as in Court cases like Schechter Poultry V. The United States and United States V. Butler, now draw the line on executive power and government intervention in the economy in case of future

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