Google Human Resource Management Strategy

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Introduction In the modern and fast-paced business environment today, effectively and efficiently managing its human resources (HR) has become increasingly vital to help companies achieve their strategic company objectives, by successfully leveraging their human resources to attain considerable success. Effective Human Resource Management (HRM) policies and strategies can also help retain quality and loyal employee, committed and passionate about the success of their company. On the other hand, poor HRM, either through a lack of proper planning or poor implementation, can lead to reduced productivity and profits, or even a poor reputation. For this reason, Human Resources personnel today, played a much more important role in company strategies.…show more content…
as found on their website is “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” An unofficial mission statement for Google as included in their IPO prospectus in 2004 is “Don’t Be Evil”. In addition to its mission statement, Google’s founders also created a document in the early years of the company’s existence outlining the beliefs of the founders, called “Ten Things We Know To Be True” (“10 Things”). Google’s goal is to make it as easy as possible to find the information anyone need in all of its technologies and get the things…show more content…
Google’s reputation makes them a company that thousands of technology professionals want to work for. As reported in a Bloomberg News and Bloomberg Businessweek’s article in 2011, Google received record-high of 75,000 job applications in a single week. Thus, it is crucial that Google’s HR hires the right people. Google also hosts many external events throughout the year in their efforts to improve recruitment practices and create awareness of the work culture they want to maintain. They explicitly seek to attract the kinds of people that can fit successfully in their culture. Yet, despite that many people out there wants to work for Google, they also faced high turnover. As reported in (Business Insider, 2013), Google ranked number 4 in Payscale’s list of companies with the shortest tenure. Although the high turnover was not uncommon for its industry, Google initiated a review of their recruitment process. Inefficient recruitment process attributing to the high turnover was discovered through part of a massive job-interview vs. job-performance metadata crunch. Thus, Google’s HR revamped their recruitment process in 2013, replacing their traditional interview and riddles with a structured behaviour interviews with consistent rubric for assessment of

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