Emirates Group Case Study

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Introduction The purpose of this research is to describe the corporate communication area of Emirates Group, also to examine the way that corporate communication activities are managed in the organization. In addition, examine the different area that falls under corporate communication and how the Emirates Group manages them. Emirates Group is the largest airline company in the whole middle east. It is the only airline company in the middle east that have a corporate communication department, which makes the organization more special among the rest of other airline companies. Company review Vision & Values: A strong and stable leadership team, ambitious yet calculated decision-making and ground-breaking ideas all contribute to the creation…show more content…
It also contains corporate responsibility, social media, media relations, crisis communications and reputation management. Public relation also, handle global print, online media, and broadcasting. The objectives of public relations, are to have a strong media coverage, to maintain an overall positive image of the organization, build an awareness with its trademark, and to build a connection between other organizations. To make that happen, public relation should develop the news releases, build an attractive story idea, hosting news conferences, arranging media campaigns, handling media inquiries and organizing interviews with senior executives. Furthermore, public relations at Emirates Group is also in charge of hosting worldwide journalists in Dubai and from different destinations on its own airline company. Different social media platforms are also important to promote the Emirates brand and key messages through effective fan attachment. PR is also accountable for crisis communications, and there is a regular global training to out station staff on Emirates Group’s protocol ("Public Relations's…show more content…
Since Emirates Group has 5,211,485 people liked their page on Facebook, 3,423,134 followers in Google+, 78,710 subscriptions in YouTube channel, 883k followers in Instagram, and 489,720 followers in Linkedin, it shows how is Emirates Group is active in social media, followers are interacting with them that was shown when a post was hit for thousands of likes reaching millions. Recommendations: Due to the research with Emirates Group, I came to know that they don’t have a separated department of crisis management, it is attached to their public relations office. I believe that there is no harm in mentioning what crisis has happened in Emirates Group, and linked it to their website. As Emirates Group has become one of the biggest companies it the world, they have been making initiatives worldwide, except in the UAE itself. Some of us (Emiraties), still don't have houses by the government, they can help by funding one of the cities that need financial help, also they should build a scholarship for Emiraties to study abroad.

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