Ebay Marketing Strategy

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1.Marketing Strategies that have been exercised by eBay which contributed to its success. Grewal and Levy (2010:p32) state that ‘a marketing strategy identifies a firm’s target market(s), a related marketing mix - their four P’s and the bases upon which the firm plans to build a sustainable competitive advantage’. The aforementioned authors further highlight that there are four macro strategies that focus on aspects of the marketing mix to create and deliver value and to develop sustainable competitive advantage which are briefly explained as follows: 1.Customer excellence: focuses on retaining loyal customers. In the beginning, eBay had to invest heavily to gain IT and customer relationship management (CRM) knowledge and skills as measures…show more content…
The complete e-commerce industry operates on Competitive Pricing because customer switching is very high and purchases can happen in minutes. The advantage that eBay has in this direction is that it gives a detailed analysis of a particular product, availability in market, and the best price on its portal. In this function, where a customer is buying online, it is understood that the individual has access to other online retailers who also make prices and specifications available and are easily accessed. Thus, the prices have to be kept in a rational range, and eBay has been doing the same till…show more content…
eBay is practically present on any computer which has an internet connection. Thus, the distribution of products is optimum. Customers can use the site to compare products, specifications, price and looks of the product. Thus, customers get everything that can be obtained in a retail showroom. Another part of distribution where online retailers are really competing in the market is delivery time. eBay has distribution centers located strategically and it can distribute within 2-3 working days anywhere. In metros, eBay even offers single day delivery at some extra cost. Most importantly, just by entering your pin code, it will give you the precise time when you can expect your delivery. Now what more can one require from a distribution setup? The word of mouth for eBay has been built over time, because even after shipping lacks of orders every month, the packing of orders is such that there is hardly any complaint from the customer. They even offer replacement guarantees so that the customer is happy at all time. Thus, the distribution is a strong point for eBay marketing
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