Cultural Diversity In The Workplace

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Research Paper On "Cultural Diversity in Workplace: Challenges of the Tech Industry" By Sahil Sahni A1833314016 BBA-IB 2014-17 Under the Supervision of Mrs. Vibha Singh Amity International Business School, Noida DECLARATION I declare: (a) That the work presented for assessment in this NTCC and that my debts (for words,data,arguments and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged. (b)That the work confirms to the guidelines for presentation and style set out in the relevant documentation. Sahil Sahni BBA-IB 2014-17 A1833314016 Index • Acknowledgement • Introduction • Review of Literature • Conceptual Framework • Research Problem • Research Objective • Research Methodology • Data Analysis/ Findings • Conclusion and…show more content…
On a broader scale the diversity in workplace can even affect how the people working in an organisation perceive time and that even impacts schedules and deadlines given to them. In order to maintain a balanced working organisation understanding diversity is very important today. Some of the issues which employees face are difference in pay based on their ethnicity and group they belong, being treated differently, not being considered responsible enough. Today companies hire people from various countries and ethnic groups. What people don't understand is Diversity is a much more broader term, it's basically those human qualities that are different from us and outside of the groups to which we belong, yet present in the other individual and…show more content…
Its promoted all around the world heavily today and even though it existed earlier, the concept continues to increase and attract more and more heads towards it. As we know diversity means people of different sexes, communities coming together forming an organisation or a large body. We can understand the importance of Cultural Diversity from the following points- • Promotes the value of being a human being- When an organization has people working from various cultures and backgrounds tells us that these companies embrace the diversity which exists and welcome people from almost every section of the world and they respect the diversity which exists. • Increment in work productivity and profits- When employees are actively pursued from all parts of the world and feel comfortable in the work environment and the premises they are working in , it leads to an overall congenial and cohesive working
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