Essay On Being A Good Doctor

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We often ask ourselves what does it take to be a good doctor and how other people define it. It is a very difficult tasks. Most individuals explain that good doctor is knowledgeable, that has great understanding of human biology and pathophysiology. People see doctors as professionals with great memory so they can remember all this science. It is obvious that knowledge is big part. Medical education demands from doctors high level of knowledge and skills in at least few of scientific discipline like anatomy, physiology, biochemistry epidemiology, psychology, nutrition, pharmacology, and so on. But in my opinion this is not is not enough. Long time ago it has been recognised that doctoring is about more than just the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that can be described in purely biological terms. It seems to me that science is like a tool in…show more content…
Using this example, he shows that medicine disappoints to qualify as an art in the sense of art understood as ordinary art, as say painting or sculpture. (Warsop, 2002). Practice should be always evidence and science based and lead to better health for patient but there is a room for personal intuition, judgment and individual approach to provide personalised care. Medicine, without doubts is scientific study, but practicing it is an art. Doctors undertake all kinds of professional activities, which might not be strictly scientific but are essential to the practice of medicine as a science. Variety of those activities added to evidence-based medicine, are collectively constitute the art of medicine (Saunders,

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