Fall Prevention Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Since healthcare organizations throughout the country strive for positive patient outcomes and patient satisfaction, preventing falls among patients in healthcare settings remains a nursing staff priority. Unfortunately, fall prevention is not a new problem. Nurses face the challenge of recognizing patients who may be at high risk for falls and intervening to prevent falls on a daily basis. To identify areas for improvement in fall prevention, a thorough review of the organizational function of the medical unit at Rex Healthcare in Raleigh, North Carolina, utilizing Roussel’s Evaluating Organizational Function Tool was completed (2013, fig 7-51). Interestingly, even with great effort from nursing staff to prevent…show more content…
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the association between the nursing staff’s average call-light response time and patient-initiated call-light use rate in a community hospital. The method utilized was retrieving archived data from the call-light tracking system between February 2007 and June 2008. Results of the study revealed that staff call-light response time was longer when the call-light use rate was higher and when the length of stay for a patient was shorter. Additionally, the number of nurses working did not impact the call-light response time. The study’s conclusion indicated the number of call-light alarms and the nursing care activity level on the unit could impact nurse call-light response time, regardless of how many nurses may be available. Mitchell, M., & Lavenberg, J. (2014). Hourly rounding to improve nursing responsiveness. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(9),…show more content…
The method used was a quasi-experimental study on two medical-surgical units at the same hospital and similar in size. The results of the study confirmed the results of the study that was duplicated. Hourly rounding did prevent patient falls, increase patient satisfaction, and decrease the usage of the call bell. Thus, nursing leadership must emphasize and educate nursing staff on the importance of hourly rounding and ensure that it is done properly. Roszell, S., Jones, C., & Lynn, M. (2009). Call bell requests, call bell response time, and patient satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(1), 69-75. In this study, the authors recognized the need to better understanding the relationship of call bell requests and response time. The study’s purpose was to establish if number of calls or call bell response times may be utilized as a tool for gathering instant response data on the nursing unit condition, particularly on patient satisfaction. The study’s method was a correlational design to investigate relating a patient satisfaction survey given at discharge to call bell response times and the number of patients’ room call bell requests. The study’s results, based on the forty-one surveys conducted, found no correlation between number of calls and high call bell response time. Although no significant

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