Forensic Science Technician

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Forensic science technicians work in laboratories or out in the crime scene. There are different names that are assigned depending on where you work at. Working in a laboratory you are called forensic pathologists and latent print examiners. They use chemicals and analyze evidence using a microscope. You may use a computer when working with fingerprints and DNA. Generally, forensic science technicians who work out in the crime scene and collect evidence are called criminalists or crime scene investigators. On a daily basis, besides collecting evidence, you make sketches of the crime scene and take photographs. If you specialize in computer based crimes you are called forensic computer examiners or digital forensics analysts. You try to uncover scams, identity theft, and prosecute electronic frauds. To become a forensic science technician you must get your education first. That requires a degree in natural science, which is biology or chemistry. You may major in forensic science but make sure you include extensive course in math, biology, and chemistry. You have a better chance in hire if you have a master’s degree in forensic. Not many places will hire you with just a high school diploma and work background. It is great to have…show more content…
It is common to work outside no matter what weather condition you are experiencing. You will mainly work in groups or teams that may include law enforcement personnel. Or, you are a specialist forensic science technician and you only work in laboratories. Crime scene investigators will work in their jurisdictions: town, state or country, which they will mainly be involve in violent crimes. Your work shifts may be staggered; you can work day, evening, or night shifts and overtime. A typical work shift for a forensic science technician is during the week, but you could be called in to work in a case

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