Forensic Science Technician

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Later in life, I want an interesting job; some type of occupation that I won’t dread going to everyday. Watching NCIS is one of my favorite things to do and a character on said show named Abby works in forensic science. I personally love science as well as crime shows, and after some research I discovered an occupation similar to hers called a forensic science technician. Though I love science, most of the jobs involving it seem too boring and repetitive. This occupation would be perfect for me because you are never doing the same thing; it will change whenever new evidence is presented or a new case is started. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Occupational Outlook Handbook, a forensic science technician is described…show more content…
On-the job training for this occupation is more of an apprenticeship, which is where an individual works side by side with a person who is more experienced. As stated by Education Career Articles, the apprenticeship can last anywhere from 6 months all the way to 2 years. During this training, a person would gain experience and learn their way around a laboratory. They would also learn how to write reports, analyze and collect evidence, and even how to give a proper courtroom testimony. (January 21,…show more content…
Majoring in forensic science requires a person to take a wide array of classes involving biology, chemistry, and mathematics. (BLS: January 8th, 2014) Most of the classes an individual takes depends on what they plan on specializing in. According to UIC’s College of Pharmacy: Forensic Science page, a student who wants to enter the master program must have “38 credits of graduate study.” Many of the required courses include: “Foundations of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Drug Chemistry and Toxicology, Expert Witness Testimony and Courtroom Demeanor, Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence, Physical Pattern Evidence Analysis, and Forensic Chemistry and Trace Evidence Analysis.” There are also science seminars a student would have to attend.(2015) According to Education Career Articles, a person should also take classes like public speaking, criminal law/justice, statistics, and forensic archaeology. Lab experience is also helpful and many technicians continue to take classes to improve themselves at their job throughout their career. (January 21st,

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