Advantages Of Biotechnology

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2.1. Introduction: Biotechnology is a commercial technology which can be defined in several ways. The most relevant definition is the application of scientific and engineering principle to the processing of material by biological agents to provide goods and services useful to human and human welfare. It is defined as a science which involves cell biology, microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, Genetic Engineering, Tissue culture, Bioprocess, Bio-informatics, Nanotechnology etc. Any technique that use living organisms as substances from which organisms can be made or modified to obtain product, to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific uses. Biotechnology is the only field which can be applied to any…show more content…
Extracted DNA are to be subjected to the action of enzymes to cleave the DNA 4. Gel Electrophoresis is to be performed to separate the DNA Fragments 5. The fragments are to be transferred to nitrocellulose membrane using Southern Blotting for separation 6. Radioactive probe are to be added to the membrane for binding to specific DNA 7. Excess probe has to be removed by washing 8. To be Exposed to X-ray probe 9. To be Viewed under UV Transmitter for DNA Comparison 2.4. Advantages:  Highly Sensitivity: Even from small amount of partially degraded biological matter, the sound data can be generated.  High capability of resolving mixtures of semen or tissues from several individuals.  Greater discrimination between individuals and many times higher manifolds than normal techniques.  Provides more importance and information about the nature of relationships. 2.5. Disadvantages: The most common disadvantages of DNA Fingerprinting are as follows:  High chances of Contamination of samples during collection, transportation, storage and during DNA Fingerprinting.  Poor maintenance of temperature and environmental conditions of the samples collected.  Improper sealing and labeling of the paper bags or other packing materials, which may lead to the contamination or unsuitable environmental…show more content…
DNA extraction is to be performed from the isolated cells. Extracted DNA is to be subjected to the action of enzymes to cleave the DNA. Gel Electrophoresis is to be performed to separate the DNA Fragments. The fragments are to be transferred to nitrocellulose membrane using Southern Blotting for separation. Radioactive probe are to be added to the membrane for binding to specific DNA. Excess probe has to be removed by washing and to be exposed to X-ray probe and to be viewed under UV Transmitter for DNA Comparison. PCR has to be performed for proving multiple copies in order to prove in large scale of DNA sample. During analysis of the DNA evidence in the laboratory, a few things must be considered that will aid in achieving optimal

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