Forensic Document Analysis

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Handwriting Analysis Forensic Document Examiner When an investigator needs to have the authenticity of an evidentiary document verified, a forensic document examiner is called upon for the task. Through visual inspection or cutting-edge chemical examination, forensic investigators can obtain pertinent data concerning the document's authentication, authorship or construction date (National Institue of Justice, 2014). Forensic document examiners compare (1) documents, (2) signatures and handwriting, (3) stamp imprints, (4) counterfeit documents, (6) printing devices (National Forensic Science Technology Center, 2009). Additionally if the examiner is involved in a criminal case they may work with (1) anonymous letters, (2) threatening letters, (3) identity theft, (4) extortion, and many more factors that are criminally related (James et al., 2014). Besides Government hired examiners, many have their own personal practices for civil hire. Their typical days’ work involve the following, but are not limited to, (1) medical malpractice and (2) insurance fraud (James et al., 2014). Handwriting Comparison…show more content…
Back in the day when we spent our childhood learning how to perfectly curve our “A’s” and dot our “I’s”. We were developing our own unique writing style. We were guided with instruction and after we grasped the art of printing, cursive was on the agenda. Although now becoming obsolete, we learned an essential life skill that we matured over the years. As we mature, our styles become more refined and less ‘cookie cutter’ per say. We are able to branch out from the norms and set ourselves apart from the others. This involves our differences in neuromuscular coordination and visual perception. The concept of individualization within our handwriting is the basic source for document examinations (James et al.,

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