source of bite mark injuries, in cases of assault or suspected abuse. The scientist deal with crimes and look at the DNA, bite marks, jaw structures, and most importantly, the dental records. Forensic science has been traced back to
Sinking Their Teeth into It: Bite Mark Analysis in Forensic Investigations Since the early 1960s, forensic odontology has been an increasingly utilized field in criminal investigations and trial proceedings. One of the sciences used in this field of forensics is that of bite mark analysis. Bite mark analysis involves the comparison of bite marks one a victim with the suspect in question. Bite mark analysis has been used on many occasions as a key piece of evidence in trials, most notably during
the Latin word forum) means ‘court of law’. Odontology refers to study of teeth. Federation Dentaire Interrnational (FDI) thus defines Forensic Odontology as ‘that branch of dentistry which deals with the proper handling and examination of dental evidence and with the proper evaluation and presentation of dental findings in the interest of justice’ (by Keiser-Neilson). Forensic dentistry / odontology, the application of dentistry to legal issues, is a relatively new aspect of forensic science. The