Forensic Analyst

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A job in the criminal field that has always fascinated me is a forensic analyst. A forensic analyst is a person that helps find key evidence at a crime scene. If you have ever seen CSI, Law and Order SVU, or CSI: Miami, you will notice all of the shows have a forensic analyst. There are six main parts of being a forensic analyst. They are: crime lab analyst, medical examiner, crime scene examiner, forensic engineer, technical assistance, and an academic assistant. Being a forensic analyst takes a lot of work. The best jobs in the criminal major mostly require specialized skills by getting a master’s, medical, or other postgraduate degrees. Your Associate's degree takes about two years to complete. To get this degree you will learn: the basics…show more content…
You would need that because you can major in forensic psychology and that would be useful to have some sort of idea what you are doing. You also need critical thinking skills, a knowledge of social issues, courtroom procedures, strong writing skills, good oral presentation skills, and be able to stay calm under pressure. (The Job Skills, n.d.). Right now I could gain experience by probably job shadowing at a crime lab. I don’t want to pursue this career but it was a career in the criminal field that interested me the most. Ways that I am suited to this career is that I can stay calm under pressure, I have good writing skills most of the time, and I have a good oral presentation. I have good listening skills, and when I am asked to do something it will get done no matter what. I am a hard worker and am determined to do my work to the best of my…show more content…
One day they can be in a courtroom, or the next they can be at a crime scene gathering evidence. There are a lot of paperwork to fill out, everything needs to be verified, new people to the job need to be trained, and also keep up with technology. Work hours vary depending on where you work. I found that someone works from 9 A.M. until 5 P.M. What does a typical, n.d.) I feel like the best parts of the day would be going to court and testifying so that they could help win the case and prove someone guilty/non guilty. Another fun part would be getting to experience what it is like to work at a crime scene; if it is like what all the TV shows make it look like. Probably the most challenging part of this job is not getting enough sleep. Some people work a whole 24 hour day to finish up a case. Another challenging part is that it gets to be long nights and you wouldn’t be able to see your family as much because of all the work you
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