Factors That Affect Employee Motivation

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1.0 Introduction Motivation is a concept that describes the forces that exist within the workers who initiate and direct behavior. (Gibson, 2008) Of two or limitations that definition is have the same meaning although there are differences in the editorial. Motivation is generally associated with efforts to meet all the objectives that focus the discussion focused on the objectives of the organization so that it can replicate our attention on the behavior associated with the job. In terms / definitions found three key elements, namely: business destinations, organization, and utilities. In organizational management, a manager should consider a different motivation for a group of people, which in many cases cannot be predicted beforehand.…show more content…
In contrast, reactive work motivation, tend to wait for an offer from a business or environmental Motivation is encouragement. Giving impetus aims to remind people or workers that they are eager and able to achieve results in line with the demands of reputable. Due to limited, it required the introduction of a board or an understanding of the nature and characteristics of workers, a need that is based on the motif with the control board on the behavior and actions limit to by motive, then the board can influence subordinates to act in accordance with the wishes of the…show more content…
Motivational factors, including factors relating to the content of the work, which is an intrinsic factor of work, namely: responsibility, advancement, job itself, achievement, and recognition. Herzberg states this as a motivating factor. Named as a motivating factor, as each associated with a great effort and a great achievement. Motivator cause a person to move (move) of the state is not satisfied to the satisfaction. Due to limit it Herzberg predict THAT administrators may motivate individuals to enter into the work of the individual motivators. Job dissatisfaction is mainly attributed to factors within the state or working environment. Which are regulations and policies reputable, supervision, relationship between personal, working conditions, salaries and so on? These factors are called by a factor of hygiene. Administrators who want to eliminate the factors of job dissatisfaction are better to resort to in order to realize the
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