Thesis On Job Satisfaction

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1. CHAPTER ONE – INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Title Job Satisfaction and its Impact on Retention of Business Development Officers at ABC Bank PLC In the percent business environment, surviving through the competition is a challenge. Achieving organization goals through the competition requires unique products and services. To achieve sustainable growth, it is important to understand the stakeholders of the organization and their imperativeness toward the organizations activities. When achieving organization’s goals employees’ contribution is essential. Employee contribution toward a stable organization, could not be achieved overnight. Hence the employees should be mold according to the culture of the organization. Gradual development of the employee…show more content…
Reichheld (1996) in his research Reichheld has fond three criteria that impact on hard working. They tend to work hard when they have job pleasure, when the job is interesting and when the job is meaningful. At the same time hard work is further be effective when there is recognition and the hard work is being rewarded. Job satisfaction is a complicated and many-sided concept, which could mean to different things to different people. Job satisfaction is normally relates with motivation, but the nature of this relationship is complex. Motivation is not same as job satisfaction. Job satisfaction could be define as an attitude, an internal state. It could, for example, is associated with a sense of personal achievement, whether quantitative or qualitative (Mullins,…show more content…
On the other hand it is self-direction to the work what you do. When you succeed of task you get huge emotional reward by yourself. Autonomy is choice over how to do things in the organizations and its help to higher job satisfaction and better job performance. (Amstrong, 2009). Purpose means reasons behind the works people do and it should be meaningful for the organization. Give challengers and resources to the people and giving feedback to them will increase their productivity continually. Pink says that it’s connecting to a cause larger than you that drives the deepest motivation (Pink, 2012). Murray (1999) has found through the research studies that job satisfaction could be monitored through the direct outcome on level of absenteeism, commitment, performance and productivity. In addition, job satisfaction not only expands the retention of employees but also minimizes the recurring cost of hiring new employees. Sokoya (2000) through his public sector managers’ analysis study, he found income and remuneration is the main factor which reach toward the job satisfaction. 2.2.3

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