How Does Gender Affect Moral Dilemmas

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Negative Emotion and Gender in Decision Making on Moral Dilemma An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Psychology College of Arts and Sciences San Beda College In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Psychology by: Eunice Erika P. Dela Rosa 2016 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION These are some of the questions that the field of neuroscience and psychology have drawn their attention to the study of factors underpinning decision making in a moral dilemma, specifically the role of emotions. A psychologist and neuroscientist, Greene (2001), made used of the philosophical examples of Philippa Foot and Judith Jarvis Thomson, the now famous Trolley and…show more content…
Is there a significant relationship between gender and decision on moral dilemmas? 3. Is there a significant differences between negative emotions and decision making on moral dilemmas? Hypothesis The hypothesis will be tested at .05 alpha level of significance. There is no significant relationship among negative emotion, gender and decision on moral dilemmas of the College of Arts and Sciences students of San Beda College Manila. Significance of the Study The relationship among negative emotion, gender and decision making on moral dilemmas, are topics concerning policy makers, for health care professionals, psychologists and now a great concern for neuroscientists. For public policy, Brommel (2012) suggests that it is largely about who gets what and who pays. The dilemmas in public policy arises for two reasons, which are resources are inadequate to meet all demands, and that people are committed to different values and ideas about 'doing the right thing'. For psychologists, Pizarro (2011) suggests that the study of morality has provided a conceptual backdrop for the descriptive study of one's moral judgment. This will help to make some progress by developing accurate descriptive theories that will explain why individuals tend to answer differently on moral…show more content…
Based on their study, it appears that deontological responses were significantly more frequent than utilitarian responses. They found out that negative emotions such as fear and disgust, were significantly more frequent when the responses were deontological Recent studies of Oullier et al. (2013), suggested that the dominant negative emotion may vary with personal involvement in decision making. In particular, moral choice is characterized by an egocentric frame of reference which may increase negative emotions (Tassy et al.,2012). However, Pizarro (2000) emphasized that negative emotions do not necessarily undermine moral decision-making. Although our emotions do not always prevent us from contemplating morally reprehensible actions, feelings of guilt and shame typically compel us to stop short of immoral action (Huebner, Dwyer & Hauser,

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