Extra Curricular Activities Essay

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My Extra-Curricular Activities Include: I love all forms of the art--from performing to creating, I am always willing to try new artistic styles, mediums, and topics in order to further challenge and push myself. Because of this, I had the opportunity to learn an array of lessons from my peers and teachers, about both myself and my creative style. For example, my experiences with writing taught me that there is no such thing as a perfect piece, only an improvement. Similarly, my art taught me that everyone learns and progresses at different speeds, and that there is no need to compare myself to my peers as we all stand as unique individuals. My acting experience helped me to better my understanding of teamwork, as being straightforward and open to communication creates a respectful, dedicated team. My involvement in theatre has been one of the biggest extra-curricular influences on my high school career, as I developed a love for being onstage. I want to see all the sides theater has to…show more content…
I have volunteered several times, one of my favorite opportunities being with Meals from the Heartland, where I have worked side-by-side with friends and family to put together meal kits for the less fortunate. Around Halloween, I enjoy volunteering at the Blank Park Zoo’s Night Eyes event. As a child, I loved attending Night Eyes for the mysterious and whimsical world it portrayed; now, I delight in seeing myself in the children that I help to entertain and supervise at the event. At the beginning of the school year, I also help to organize donated supplies and to walk parents and children through the process of picking out their supplies for the school year. I also worked at local food pantries, soup kitchens, and animal shelters during my time as a Girl Scout, which I have continued to occasionally participated in throughout high

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