Case Analysis Of Pantheon Motors Company

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INTRODUCTION Xuzhou Huifeng Company is a Jiangsu building material manufacturer and estate developer which committed to producing material of high quality and enhanced specifications for an affordable price, taking full advantage of the current economic climate. The company’s first lower medium model called the “Xio” is to be released this year and sold in two European markets; Germany and UK. We will be targeting this model at young professionals and young families. With recent emphasis on manufacturers to act more ethically, Pantheon Motors Company is dedicated to support its core values: continue to improve to produce high quality, affordable cars whilst minimising negative impacts on the environment. Below is Pantheon Motors Company’s…show more content…
With this we hope to open ourselves up to new market segments and increase sales We hope to have strong brand value and to be well established in the automotive market by our 2nd year and in turn, this will help increase our sales We aim to always obtain a minimum gross profit margin of 25% per unit sold as this should ensure that Pantheon Motors Company is a profitable business To maintain consistency in PMC and anticipate potential risks and provide solutions, we have devised a risk analysis for each division of the company. (See Appendix 8) 1.3 Methods Marketing Strategy Segmentation PMC segments our market by using geographic, demographic and psychological segmentation which include nationality, age, gender, family, occupation, income, education background, individual preferences and needs. Based on our research, PMC found that young families and young professionals with middle level income have similar basic needs. Following this research, we found that young families also require large space, extra safety, fuel- efficient and young professionals are more likely to prefer a stylish design and a comfortable driving…show more content…
Pantheon Motors Company (PMC) plans to penetrate the market by offering an efficient vehicle that is affordable to consumers. Evaluation of market attractiveness Attractiveness here is in accordance with the profitability of PMC in the long run, which will be influenced by existing competitors, potential new competitors, substitutes, consumers and raw material suppliers. We will take the following steps to minimise these threats: Keep a good relationship with the suppliers and also develop a multi-channel supply chain Provide high quality products which attract consumers To compete with competitors, PMC needs to improve continuously through our Research and Development PMC will observe on the price of potential substitutes, such as buses and trains, to evaluate market behaviour and adjust

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