Social Work Core Competencies Paper

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Core Competencies 1, 2, 3 Casey D. Kelley Ashland University September 9, 2014 Competency #1 According to Cummins & Sevel (2012), the first core competency of social work is to “identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly” (intro pg.). My interpretation of this competency is that, as a social worker, my duty is to be a professional which will be demonstrated in my appearance, behavior and the style of my communication. To make sure that I am conducting myself accordingly, I will follow the NASW Code of Ethics to ensure my conduct is professional. I shall maintain a behavior that demonstrates that I believe everyone has a right to access all services for their needs. I will demonstrate this…show more content…
The Council on Social Work Education describes this as “Social Workers have an obligation to conduct themselves ethically to engage in ethical goal-making. Social workers are knowledgeable about the value base of the profession, its ethical standard, and relevant law” (pg. 4). My interpretation of this competency is that a social worker needs to use the NASW Code of Ethics regulations to ensure that their goals are ethical within their profession. This is important because, as a social worker, one will want to make sure that the goals they choose for their clients are going to help the client and address their social problem, will demonstrate the dignity and worth of the person, shows integrity, and demonstrates that the social worker is competent (NASW Code of Ethics). I will demonstrate this competency in my field by using the NASW Code of Ethics to ensure that with my goals I am allowing the client to have self-determination and an opportunity to change as well as to make sure that I have the knowledge behind that goal to a capacity that allows me to apply them correctly to the client. I will also demonstrate this competency in my field experience by advocating for my client’s needs to ensure that they receive the services they…show more content…
The interpretation that I have for this competency is that a social worker should use their assessment to analyze their goals to make sure that their goal will benefit their client and will communicate their goal clearly to the client. This is important so that the client understands what it is that the social worker is asking of them as well as how to go about this goal. Also, it is important that the social worker analyze their goal to ensure this will create a positive change within the client before implementing the goal. This is extremely important to ensure that the social worker is not jumping ahead of the client too far that this goal will make them uncomfortable or that this goal is something that goes against their cultural

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