Essay On Social Work Ethics

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As an aspiring social worker, I have come across the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) code of ethics multiple times in my educational experiences. These core values are service, social justice, dignity and worth of a person, importance of human relationships, integrity and competence. Though, these core values are imperative in promoting social well-being for clients, I have come to the realization that one of these professional values are not in congruence with my personal values. Before enrolling in Social Work 305, I truly believed I could uphold these values to the highest extent, I didn’t see anything that could potentially interfere with me practicing these values. I thought, I understood the concept of social work as a profession…show more content…
She would say, “If you feel uncomfortable, something is not right. Don’t you ever child sit on another persons lap, don’t you let anyone touch you in places that are private and don’t you ever forget I’m your mother and I will protect you until I am eight feet under”. I remember tucking in bed with her every night to watch the 9-clock news on Univision 41. She became so angry when they reported a child or a female who was a victim of abuse. The women in my family were all like her, they didn’t trust any man around us for too long, they would tell us kids that we could never get to comfortable around teachers, neighbors, uncles, grandfathers, or even our own dads for that matter. Now I know that she is partially the reason for which, I know I wouldn’t honor dignity and worth of a person if I had to work with sexual offenders. Though, her biases were more geared towards men mostly, I don’t think I could even work with female sex offenders. Furthermore, her hatred of sexual offenders comes from societal views on sexual offenders, because for the most part people frown upon these individuals and try to isolate them. Society hints that these offenders will always keep offending, programs or treatment don’t make a different as sexual offenders can’t change their

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