Nasw Code Of Ethics Analysis

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The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics acts as a guide for social workers on their professional conduct. When evaluating my own personal beliefs I think of the values and customs that I have acquired through education and experience. I believe that they are consistent with the code of Ethics and values put in place by the NASW for social workers in their profession. I am 29 yrs of age. I work as a pre k teacher. I have had this job for seven years. I have three children aged eight years, two years and seven months old. I believe my experience helps me in keeping up with the preamble of the code of ethics. It states that the main mission for a social worker professional is to aid all people in meeting their basic needs…show more content…
Social workers should continually work to enhance their professional skills and knowledge and apply them practically. They should strive to enhance the knowledge bracket in their profession. As I work with children on a daily basis, I have to be keen and observant of their behavior. If any changes occur, I should be quick to notice and discuss them with the parent. Prior to admitting a child into my care, I obtain a chart and form with all necessary information about the child from their parents. This enables me have a general knowledge of the child. I can thus determine if the child needs more attention. Having raised three children of my own, I relate this experience in coming up with ways of dealing with each child. Thus, competence allows me to deliver good services and careful judgment in making responsible decisions. I believe this is why most of the children I nurture adapt and advance to higher learning programs quite easily and why all my parents are happy with my…show more content…
It encourages social workers to seek social change especially for individuals who are oppressed or vulnerable. The issues that they mainly come across include unemployment, violence, discrimination and poverty among others. This value’s purpose is to disseminate information concerning cultural, ethnic diversity and oppression. This is a value I exercise in order to provide parents needed services, resources and information. It also helps in providing the children in my care with equal opportunities and in decision-making. In my work, I meet parents who have problems like unemployment, discrimination at work or violence. Most of the times the parents prefer to keep this information to themselves. I offer them advice and encourage them to speak up. I then guide them and refer them to the necessary bodies or steps to deal with the situation. If the children in my care show signs of facing any difficulties at home, I immediately contact the parents. I address the issue with the parents and observe the child. If no change occurs, I responsibly call in the required measures. I believe that every child requires growing up in an environment with social justice and I ensure that all children in my care

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