Ethical Dilemma Of Confidentiality

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Articles used in this research agreed on the common ways to treat or handle the ethical dilemma of confidentiality. To begin with, The National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics (NASW) states that social workers should respect clients’ privacy and protect the confidentiality of all information obtained. The NASW Code of Ethics (Section 1.07c) declares: “The general expectation that social workers will keep information confidential does not apply when disclosure is necessary to prevent serious, foreseeable, and imminent harm to a client or other identifiable person”. (p.47) Beverly Edwards and Rejoice Addaea explain in their peer review article entitled Ethical Decision-Making Models in Resolving Ethical…show more content…
Norman Liner a social work professors states in Resolving Ethical Dilemmas in Social Work Practice that, protection of self, outside parties and clients is a major duty if he or she is assumed to be dangerous. (p.48) Linzer presented a case study based on where an individual could have been protected from a violent client, if only personal information was shared. Patrick Almond Curtis and Anita M. Lutkus gave an example in their article Client Confidentiality In Police Social Work Settings where, a social worker was charged for obstruction for not breaching confidentiality, in which the Illinois Social Worker Act sheltered the accused and, raised a discussion based on what could of happen if the accused was a police social worker. Since the research further stated, that in a situation where breach in confidentiality is to occur police social workers would only consider such action if a client displays “law violated behavior” and if there is a treat to themselves or another person. Therefore, the definition of confidentiality being “no more information than needed for police management of the case” given by respondents of this study corresponds to NASW Code of Ethics on the aspect that social workers may disclose confidential information with valid consent from a client or legal…show more content…
Phil M. Fowler an experienced lawyer explained in the article Employees Consequences for Breach of Confidentiality that, the first and most predicted action for breach of confidentiality is termination. Law suit damages and criminal charges follow because the firm can experience increased cost, and reimbursements would be demanded. The United Nations Department of Health reinforced that incorrect use of records may result in legal and disciplinary actions.

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