Nasw Code Of Ethics In Social Work

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Introduction *Values are important in all professions but especially in social work. It is what drives social workers to do their job efficiently and effectively. This paper will explore the exactly what values the social work profession utilize using four separate sources. Social Work Values In the late nineteenth century, social worker values reflected in the view that the people were poor for their own fault. The belief was opportunities were prevalent, but the people just were not taking advantage of them. In the early twentieth century, a more macro view was upheld. The view was taken away from the individual and focused more on social injustices. Furthermore, in the 1920’s a conference was held and as a result value focused philosophy…show more content…
At the time, it outlined the profession and responsibilities of social work. Since the original enacting, the Code of Ethics has been revised many times. The first revision of the code was twelve years after the original version. This revision added a section for nondiscrimination. This was probably a reaction to the end of the civil rights movement. In the 1979 revision, the enforcement of the Code was added as a mandatory for practicing social workers. In the most recent 2008 revision, hot topic issues were added in the discrimination section. This included gender identity and sexual orientation. The NASW Code of Ethics continues to be developed to encompass everyone and all issues. Social work is a value-based profession in many ways. The most obvious way is the fact that social work has a Code of Ethics that all in the profession must abide by. In a less apparent way, social workers who do not share similar values as the Code or others in their profession tend not to do well. Values are important for social work because someone who has little to no values will not be a favorable social…show more content…
The listening skills that I have would be a great asset in the helping profession. Listening skills are important for all levels of social work whether it’s working with clients or advocating for social justice at a political level. The belief that everyone is equal regardless of racial, economic, or other barriers will be helpful in relating to the clients and populations I will work with. A lot of people can struggle with this but I believe I have a good handle on it. Being able to connect to minority and victims of sexual abuse will give me that edge that other social workers will not have. Being able to relate to those people will make the helping relationship build rapport easier and have a personal understanding of the situation. Lastly, my pure passion for helping others will be a great strength. The social work profession is based on the love for helping others and doing so unselfishly. The passion that is already there will be a great help in the profession. My three strengths that I can bring to the social work profession are listening skills, relating to certain groups, and a passion for

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