Ethical Decision Making Process In Nursing

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Decision-Making Steps: Meningitis and Refusal of Treatment Medical field is complicated and full of ethical decisions. In the given scenario, the situation is very complicated and needs fast decision. The dilemma is to leave the 6-year-old to suffer from the meningitis by request of child’s primary custody, stepmother. On the other hand, follow biological father request to perform treatment and invite another physician for the independent consultation. The decision-making model and dilemma solving steps Uustal (1993) nine-step decision-making model helps to focus on the dilemma from objective and cognitive perspective (lecture, 2011). It tries to avoid solely emotional or sentimental roads in the process. The nine categories or steps should…show more content…
As a human and a nurse, I value life. In addition, nursing profession strives to do no harm and to do all possible to save life, especially child’s life. “Kantian deontology is based on respect for persons and includes duties to avoid killing innocent persons, the duty to tell the truth, and the duty to keep one's promises” (lecture, 2011). This explanation pictures what my personal values are. As a nurse, I believe, I should preserve life and avoid killing or harming. Although, I should listen to others worldviews and consider them; however, valuing person’s life, I cannot reconcile with my patient’s decision of harming self or others, and I would do what I can to stop such a behavior or decisions. In this particular issue, with a 6-year-old, who diagnosed with meningitis, knowing that meningitis can be fetal and/or potentially will cause health problems and severe complications to the child, the treatment should be performed to help young body fight the disease and to prevent or minimize potential complications (Green,…show more content…
First of all, nurse should attempt to get a parental consent one more time, educating mother about the risks and if not reached agreement, inform her of the next step of involving the law enforcement. While talking to a parent, second opinion from another clinician should be obtained to confirm the diagnosis of the child. If mother would not give her consent to treat the child, the necessary treatment should be initiating while contacting the law enforcement. The eighth step of Uuast (1993) decision-making model leads to the implementing the plan. The final, ninth step is when the evaluation of the actions is taking place. Treating the child with parents’ consent or without is the right decision. Meningitis is a very serious illness that needs immediate medical attention to prevent complications and death. Because medicine is able to do this nowadays, it is ethically correct to help the child. A dialog with the family Nurse: Hello, Mrs. H. This is the ER-nurse L. from the N hospital. We have just receive your 6-year-old child from school with fever, vomiting and convulsions. The physician of our hospital examined your child and made a diagnosis of meningitis. We need your permission to make further testing and start a treatment as soon as possible. Could you, please, give us your permission to do a treatment with IV fluids and

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