Nurse Practioner Nurse

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Nurses are very important people in a health care setting because they are with the patients most of the time and provide most diversified care to the patient compared to that of the doctors. Nurses have very important roles in health care provision industry because nurses most of their time and part of their life is spent taking care of other people in the hospitals or other areas who have got different illness or traumas and also the elderly who’s relatives prefer bringing them to the hospital for admissions or in hospices so that they are taken good care of compared to the care that could be provided at home without a nurse. In the health care provision industry the Registered nurses and practioner nurses are two types of nurses that are…show more content…
a nurse practioner is allowed to prescribe drugs unlike a registered nurse who is only allowed to administer the drugs strictly as prescribed by the physcian. It is therefore very important for the nurse to have advanced knowledge on drugs. This means that theyshould have the knowledge on how dgugs worls in the body that is the mode of action, indications, contraindications, side effects, adverse effects and any special concerns about different drugs, correct dosage, method of administration and frequency of administration .The nurse practioner is then able to administer the drugs and monitor for any possible side effects that the patient could experience. There are roles that are usually shared by the practioner nurse and registered nurse in pharmacology.Registered nurses roles in pharmacology may involve explaining to the patient the importance of taking the drug and how it will help them, how the drug should be taken, explaining the mode of action to the patient in a language they can easily understand for example you can tell the patient how pain relievers act and the its half-life, educate the patient on what they are supposed to take and not take that may tamper with the drugs pharmacokinetic. Though most of the roles of a registered nurse and a nurse practioner in pharmacology are similar, the nurse practioner requires to have more knowledge for instance on chemical makeup of a…show more content…
It also helps to expand the health care providers' thinking about moral issues and each emphasizes different aspects of ethical decision making. Cultural competence can be termed as a dynamic, lifelong learning process that involves Understanding of the process for assessing cultural patterns and factors that influence individual and group differences is critical in preventing overgeneralization and stereotyping. This can be done by well understanding the impact of culture on attitudes, values, traditions, and behavior on health. It also helps to understand any health seeking behavior among individuals, families, communities and populations. This can also help in understanding the impact of health policy on culturally diverse groups, particularly targeting those people who are economically disadvantaged, vulnerable and
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