Pros And Cons Of Beneficetions In Nursing Care

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There is an array of housing options available to seniors, from staying in their home to specialized facilities that provide twenty-four hour nursing care. Each option has pros and cons when making a decision of where the client should live when discharged. Ethically, all of these issues need to be discussed with the family members involved with care so they know all the options. Each family is different, for this client he wanted his wife and his three children to be involved in this decision process. Since the client’s wife is also with medical issues, the client wanted his family to be informed of potential options so together they can make an informed decision. Because of the spouse’s medical issues, only focusing on the client would be…show more content…
Autonomy is the right to independence and freedom. Beneficence involves acting in ways that demonstrate caring by listening, empathizing, supporting, nurturing, and advocating. Beneficence is the motivating force behind caring, but is complex because it is difficult to determine what exactly is good for another and who can make the decisions about what is good. Using these core values combined with Standard 1.01 Commitment to Clients (NASW, 2008) to help this client by working with all involved in the decisions making process. All social workers should always encourage and support the clients to function at the highest possible…show more content…
The code of ethics states in standard 1.01 Commitment to Clients (NASW, 2008), we should put our client’s needs above our own. My personal biases were wanting to comply with the client and return him to his home. My parents were both sick and wanted to be live at home rather than a nursing home. My family did everything they could to make this happen. Overall, I believed their lives were better for the experience, but my brothers who were the primary caregivers seemed to suffer. Since this was not my decision to make being I lived away from the rest of my family, I do not feel I had a say in this matter. They made this situation work for seven years, and still I wonder how different life would have been if they lived somewhere

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