Essay On Health And Safety

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Mishaps can occur to any individual or a group of people at a workplace and can have a serious effect on their health and cause major injuries, this is often due to carelessness or negligence attitude of people involved. However this can be avoided by considering all health and safety procedures beforehand and plan ahead of any unseen circumstances. According to the Health and Safety Executive, Health and Safety is defined as, ‘The measures necessary to control and reduce risks to the health and/or safety of anyone who might be affected by the activities of people at work.’ (RoSPA, 2011: Online) The Enabling Act is the most significant section of legislation on health and safety and is practiced for any situation in workplace. It has led…show more content…
However, there are health and safety legislations in place which work on the ‘Reasonably practicable’ basis, this means that ‘the time, trouble, cost and physical difficulty of taking measures to avoid the risk are not wholly disproportionate to it.’ This is part of the Section 2:1 , which highlights the duty that if it’s reasonably practicable in terms of health, safety & welfare of employees, safe workplace & safe working practices, information, training & supervision, welfare facilities and safety policies. This duty would apply to all the organisers of the Platt Fields Bonfire and the employees contractors at the event. Within this Health and Safety act, there are Health and Safety Regulations which are laws approved by the Parliament, some of these consist of, Control of Noise Regulations (2005), The regulatory Reform (2005), Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999), Employers Liability (compulsory Insurance) Regulations (1998) and RIDDOR – Reporting of injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrence regulations (1995). (Health and Safety Executive:

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