Essay On Occupational Safety And Health

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1.0 INTRODUCTION Recently, the Occupational Safety and Health is receiving attention increasingly in most organization in Malaysia. The idea of Occupational Safety and Health has gained the most attention, and many firms have implemented systems and processes to support an organization to protect, safe, and management of risk. OSH is said to promote increased safety and health awareness, which facilitates better operational and strategic decision-making. The absence of clear empirical evidence on the value of OSH programs continues to limit the growth of these programs. Occupational health and safety deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of hazards. It is a health service which demands that employers, both government and private should show concern for practical measures of protecting the health of workers or employees (Adeniyi, 2001). Awareness of occupational safety and health (OSH) plays an important role in the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases. Following the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) in 1994, various programmes…show more content…
In fact, in official terms these things were nobody’s concern. In the U.S.A. injured employees had to litigate to obtain compensation for their injuries. The cost of doing so effectively in prevented employees from going to court. But, under common law, if the employee already knew of the hazards the job entailed or if the injuries were brought about as a result of the negligence of the employee or a co-worker, the employer was not liable to pay compensation for their injuries. From these origins, there has emerged an approach and practice with regard to health, safety and welfare issues. It is because, when the injuries happen, it will be affect the worker performance in

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