Work-Related Stress Case Study

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The cognitive and behavioural strategies that teachers employ in order to reduce or bear work-related stress are often referred to in the literature as coping strategies (Lazarus, 1993; Parker, Endler, 2012; Sharplin et al., 2011), achievement strategies and social strategies (Nurmi, Salmela-Aro, & Haavisto, 1995). Both individual teachers and teacher communities can use a variety of strategies in order to cope with work related stress that arises. Depending on the situation, teachers can chose to ignore or adapt to the challenges that appear along the way. Strategies that have been identified as sufficient include self or co-regulation strategies, or both. Self-regulation refers to self-generated coping strategies (i.e. thinking, feeling…show more content…
Direct action refers to strategies teachers can employ in order to eliminate the source of stress. For example, in the event that the stressor is related to time pressures and deadlines then a direct action would be to seek a time extension, or a change in deadline. Palliative techniques on the other hand, do not deal with the source of stress itself, but concentrate on reducing the feelings of stress through either physical or mental approach. Some examples of such strategies are relaxation training aimed at reducing feelings of tension and anxiety (physical approach), or modification of the attention given to the stressful situations (mental approach). More specifically, an action plan should demonstrate attempts to take action to deal with problems such as: devoting more time to specific tasks, keeping problems in perspective, avoiding confrontations, planning ahead and prioritising, discussing problems and expressing feelings to others, keeping feelings under control and finaly recognising ones own limitations. These strategies consist of both direct action and palliative techniques. Direct action may appear to be the best strategy for reducing work-related stress, however sometimes these strategies may not be possible to implement. In that case, helpful, palliative techniques are critical (Kyriakou…show more content…
Austin, Shah, & Muncer, 2005; Kyriacou, 2001). It has been proposed that using the social resources available can be related to higher achievement scores among students (Leana, 2011). This implies that using active and social strategies can be effective in reducing teacher burnout as well as improving students´ performance. There are several mechanisms through which the use of active, social and optimistic strategies is likely to reduce teacher stress. Firstly, these strategies are likely to facilitate meaningful goal orientation and goal accomplishment, which in turn may reduce burnout (Devos et al., 2012; Xanthopoulou, Bakker, 2009). Secondly, those who use direct action and engagement rather than avoidance strategies are dealing with their challenges at work. That contributes to success, satisfaction and work engagement and hence encourage wellbeing at work (Salmela-Aro, Tolvanen, & Nurmi,

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