Child Development Milestones

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The early years of a child is important for his future development. The development milestones are essential for a full understanding of the child, and is effective in detecting current and future health problems that may occur. Early interventions will assist the child and his family to lead a life as normally as possible, improving the quality of life for the child and his family. This essay will explore the development milestones of a school aged child, Eugene, discussing about his physical, cognitive, psychosocial and moral development. This essay will also discuss the health education for Eugene and the community resources available for him and his family to maintain and promote health. Eugene is a nine-year-old boy. His paternal grandparents, both aged 70 with diagnosed hypertension and type II diabetes mellitus, are the main caregivers of Eugene and his brother. Eugene’s parents are both aged 40, without any medical conditions. His brother, 11 years old, has myopia and is in the Gifted Education Programme (GEP). Eugene has myopia and a history of bronchitis. The development of a school aged child is characterized by slow and steady gain in height and weight, without dramatic alteration in basic body…show more content…
Children becomes a worker and a producer, and competitiveness is a norm (Schulte, Price, Gwin, 2001). They are eager to learn and supporting the family makes them feel competent, gaining a sense of achievement (Bukatko, Daehler, 2012). Eugene’s mother does not stress him academically as she does not want him to feel inferior to his brother. Eugene has good social skills. He can get along with everyone around him. However, Eugene is usually accompanied wherever he goes and lacks the confidence to do things independently. Eugene’s mother can develop his independence by providing him with opportunities to do things by
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