Essay On Abortion Pro Life

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Abortion is the process done to end an unwanted pregnancy, often seen as a very controversial topic. There’s two opinions or point of views about abortion. On one side we have people who are pro-choice and on the other people who are pro-life. People who are pro-choice believe women should have the right/option to have an abortion which means they support it. While people who are pro-life believe the unborn baby should live no matter what, or in other words are against it. On the pro-choice side we have the people who believe should have the right to choose whether they want to keep their child or not. During the process of abortion usually very few abortions are done after the 16th week of pregnancy but some do occur later on due to economic difficulties or things of such sort. It is said that abortion is not a murder because the baby…show more content…
It is basically picking up a knife and stabbing someone to death but in this case the fetus is not aware of what is going on. Life begins at conception meaning the fetus is alive in the mother's stomach, therefore it feels the pain during occuring during the procedure. Abortion can eventually cause health complications later in life. “Abortion is dangerous and medically risky. It is not as safe as natural pregnancy. Abortion increases the risk of miscarriage in future pregnancies, and infertility.” 1 It is not necessary to commit this murder because we all have the choice to give a kid up for adoption. According to research when an abortion is preceded you are likely to get both, emotional and medical complications. Some emotional complications would be flashbacks of abortion, alcohol and drug abuse, depression, guilt, eating disorders, etc. The reason why a women would feel this way is because they feel the fetus inside them and know it’s a human being. It is seen in often cases, women regret having an
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